Picture of WIU Librarians and friends on Founder's Day
WIU Librarians & Friends @ Founder's Day!

Look Who's Supporting Us!
CARLI | Illinois Library Assn. | IBHE (Faculty Adv. Council) | RAILS State Agency | ACRL President Leo Lo | Cook County CTU | CSU Faculty Senate | CSU Librarians | GSU Librarians | ISU Librarians | NEIU Librarians | NIDL Librarians | NILRC | NIU Librarians | SIU-E Librarians | UCW/Univ. of Virginia Librarians | Elgin CC Faculty | ISU Faculty Senate | Council of Illinois University Senates | SIU-E Faculty Senate | Univ. of St. Francis ExCo Assembly | WIU Faculty Senate | Health Science Librarians of Illinois | Univ of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (Dean of Libraries & Librarian Faculty) | UIUC's Lisa Hinchliffe | Dominican Univ. Faculty (School of Info. Studies) | Washington Post's Ron Charles | ALA President Drabinski | A Very Cool 5th Grader | UPI @ WIU | AFT | MORE...!
We Appreciate You ALL!

Seen daily in the Community News Brief:
Keeping Faith with WIU's Students Since 1902

FOIA Confirmations!
Earlier this semester, a WIU Admin official asserted to the Faculty Senate Exec. Cmte., that sister univ. ISU employed only "3" librarians. A few FOIA requests corrected the record:
    IL Public Univs.     # Librarians w/ MLS
*per recent termination letters

Saluting Margaret Dunbar -- WIU's First Librarian

WIU Librarians: We Love Our Students!

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Do One Thing: Please Sign The Petition!

If you've found this site, we ask you to Do 1 Thing for us: Please Sign the Petition! It will go directly to the WIU President & Board of Trustees. Use the default letter, or change it however you like! Please ask others to sign too!  10,000+ already have!  THANK YOU!

WIU Admin Eliminates ALL Librarians!

This summer the administration of Western Illinois University undertook radical action: it eliminated every one of its nine (9) professional librarians. When current contracts expire on May 14, 2025, Western will no longer employ a practicing academic librarian. ALL Librarians Eliminated @ WIU in: Read More...

Circulating Ideas (Podcast Episode 278): "Fighting for Academic Librarians: the Impact of Underfunding"

Circulating Ideas Podcast / 27 Jan. 2025

Based in Atlanta, the Circulating Ideas podcast is a national forum devoted to the discussion of all topics related to libraries. In a new special edition podcast ("Fighting for Academic Librarians"), hosted by Morraine Valley CC Librarian, Troy Swanson, three Illinois academic librarians gathered to discuss the elimination of all 9 librarians at WIU, along with institutional funding challenges impacting Illinois university libraries. Grab a tasty beverage and listen in to the conversation with academic librarian panelists Hunt Dunlap (WIU), Elizabeth Kamper (SIU-E), and Gayle Porter (CSU).

Swanson, Troy. "Fighting for Academic Librarians: the Impact of Underfunding." Circulating Ideas, Podcast Episode 278 (January 27, 2025). Listen to Podcast [Transcript / Intro & Panelists]

Chronicle of Higher Education: "Can A Library Function Without Librarians? Can a College?"

Chronicle / 10 Dec. 2024

"Lora Ebert Wallace, a [WIU] professor of sociology, said she is baffled by the administration’s decision to cut the librarians...If there are no librarians around to stay on top of things, she said, it’s just a matter of time before those systems start failing... Library advocates argue that librarians provide essential support for that expertise and those programs. But the provost’s office viewed librarians through another lens." WIU Interim Associate Provost Christopher Pynes spoke with the Chronicle. "'We’re trying to Moneyball this thing and try to figure out how to get as much as we can, and as many offerings as we can, with the least amount of money,' Pynes said, referring to the Michael Lewis book about a baseball team."

Lu, Adrienne. "Can a Library Function Without Librarians? Can a College?" Chronicle of Higher Education (December 10, 2024). View story here [WIU-affiliated user access]

UI Urbana-Champaign Supports WIU Librarians; Affirms CARLI Statement

"We write to express our strong support for the CARLI Statement on the Importance of Librarians in Academic Libraries and our deep concern for our colleagues at Western Illinois University. Professional librarians’ advanced training makes them critical partners in knowledge creation at every institution of higher learning and they should be appointed and compensated accordingly. Librarians collaborate with scholars to solve information problems in every domain, and they are dedicated to building a more equitable, just information future. The success of our students and faculty depends on an effective, thriving community of academic librarians." — Claire Stewart, Juanita J. and Robert E. Simpson Dean of Libraries and University Librarian, on behalf of the Library faculty at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Librarian Krista Bowers Sharpe Makes Magic

Have you ever wondered what academic librarians do? Krista Bowers Sharpe, WIU Librarian and Reference Coordinator, has launched the Library Magic YouTube channel for a fresh (brief!) take on librarian activities that are making a difference at WIU — and academic libraries nationally each day. Check out Krista's latest drops!

Truthout: "Academic Librarians Urgently Organize"

Former ALA President Emily Drabinski's recent article describes new challenges facing higher education, and how librarians are organizing to defend libraries, student support, and the public good.

WIU Librarians in Vox: "Why Libraries Need Librarians"

"In August, Western Illinois University laid off its entire librarian faculty and at the same time insisted the university would still have 'adequate coverage in the library,'" reports Vox writer Constance Grady. "The school seemed to be operating under the belief that librarians are only warm bodies who exist to check books in and out..."

Chicago State Librarians Stand Up for Western!

Members of the Library and Instruction Services Faculty at the Gwendolyn Brooks Library at Chicago State University (CSU) have writen the WIU BOT and Interim President to convey "our profound concern and strong opposition" to the recent decision to eliminate ALL librarian positions at Western. "We sggest that extreme administrative measures like eliminating all professional librarian positions...diminishes the quality of academic support...irreparably damages the institution's image...and undercuts effors to increase enrollment." See CSU's excellent statement of support!

TSPR: WIU's NPR Station Covers Library Debacle

Tri States Public Radio (WIUM/WIUW) released a radio news story and web article (Oct. 16, 2024), covering the collapse of WIU Libraries, as all of its professional librarians were eliminated per termination letters received August 8 (effective May 14). Numerous state agencies, professional librarian organizations, and librarians at other institutions have expressed serious concerns about what this will mean for Western's graduate and undergraduate programs. Supporters continue to call for the reinstatement of WIU's librarians, so that they may continue serving WIU's students and the citizens of the west central Illinois region. View/Hear story.

NEIU Librarians Come to WIU's Aid

The Library Faculty of Northeastern Illinois University (NEIU) has powerfully contributed to the rising chorus of statewide voices urging the WIU Board of Trustees and President Mindrup to restore WIU librarianship. NEIU's new letter states, "[t]he loss of professional librarians would be a significant step backward, compromising the educational quality WIU aims to provide." Concerned educators across Illinois are urging WIU's senior leadership to override the harmful termination decision and "Bring Back the Librarians!" Thank You, NEIU! Please see the terrific letter!

Illinois Library Association Endorses CARLI Statement on WIU Crisis


The Executive Board of the 2,000-member Illinois Library Association (ILA) has voted to endorse the recent CARLI Statement on the Importance of Librarians in Academic Libraries (pdf), issued in the wake of WIU's decision to eliminate ALL of its librarians. Founded in 1896, ILA is the third largest state library association (w/ 500 institutional members of all library types), and is a chapter of the American Library Association.

CARLI Calls for Public Comment & Endorsement of Statement

CARLI Statement 2024

In the wake of the WIU crisis, CARLI's Governance Board has issued a major Statement on the Importance of Librarians in Academic Libraries, and has also called for Public Comment & Endorsement. Specifically the Board notes that, "Individual endorsements are welcome from directors of Illinois libraries, higher education organizations, and library associations." Please comment and endorse the CARLI Statement.

CARLI Governing Board Statement Supports Librarians!

CARLI Statement 2024

CARLI's Board of Directors has released a major Statement on the Importance of Librarians in Academic Libraries (pdf). CARLI is Illinois' publicly-funded statewide academic library consortium, which promotes resource and cost-sharing. A Governing Member of CARLI since its founding, we think WIU should follow its lead and "Bring Back the Librarians."

Beyond Book Bans: WIU Axes Librarians

American Federation of Teachers reporter, Virginia Myers, writes: "Banned books have become a rallying cry for educators—and so many others—who want children to have access to a diversity of stories and to see themselves reflected in their books. But at Western Illinois University, there’s another threat to literacy and information access: Every one of the faculty librarians there has been dismissed."

ISU Librarians Write Bold Letter


We greatly appreciate the tremendous support of our colleagues at Illinois State University! Please see their excellent statement of support!

WIU's Pynes Almost Nails It in Chronicle

Chronicle / 17 Sept. 2024

WIU Interim Associate Provost Christopher Pynes spoke with the Chronicle this week, and almost got it right about the library: "[T]here are certain positions that can’t be reduced,” said Pynes. "You have to have a registrar's office [library] that can function, and you can’t reduce the registrar's office 40 percent [librarians by 100%] just because you’ve lost 40 percent of your students." With Dr. Pynes' essential rationale, we completely agree! If you believe a university's library is a critical operation (an absolute necessity — like the registrar's office), join us in encouraging the Provost's Office to change course and Bring Back the Librarians!

Gardner, Lee. "This is Why Some Regional Public Colleges Are In So Much Trouble." Chronicle of Higher Education (September 17, 2024). View story here.